As you can see I haven’t reached my goal yet for my blog but
I’m not giving up! Just having to juggle life and choices keeps me busy not to mention my grandson Jaden. I spent a couple of
days this week helping a dear friend set up her
Etsy account. She will be
adding more items and improving her shop but you can take a look now. That was
time well spent. Also spent some time waiting in doctor’s offices with my
husband for follow ups on his recent hospitalization.
So here’s an update on my stitching for TAST2012.
I’ve been keeping up with the weekly stitches but I’m slow
on getting them photographed and posted. So here goes!
Crossed Buttonhole Scribble Stitch |
Crossed Buttonhole. I decided to stick with my scribbles and
actually enjoyed doing this stitch. It took me awhile to get it right and develop
a rhythm but then I was happy with it.
Half-chevron scribble stitch |
Can’t say the same for the half chevron though. I was almost
to the end of my scribble before I realized what I was doing wrong. I think I’ll
try it again and see if I like it any better.
Bullion Stitch Scribble |
And then there’s the bullion stitch. This is a stitch I
first learned from by mother-in-law, Eunice Balaz, and then further expanded on
it when I took some lessons in Brazilian embroidery. I really like the stitch
but I haven’t used it much recently, You can view my
Flickr account for older
work using the bullion stitch.
Recently I used it on my quilt guild name badge
and on my February CQJ2012 block. I again decided to stitch with my scribble
method and made long and short bullions along the line. The long stitches have
10 wraps and the shorter ones have 5 wraps. The thread used was a variegated
pearl cotton.
Butterfly stitch scribble |
Finally there’s the butterfly stitch. Oh my! I have never
executed this stitch before. I think it would have worked better if I had made
the straight stitches a little longer. I left my pencil scribble showing so you
could see the original line I followed. I will eventually remove that line.
All of my scribbles are up on my design wall and they may
make it into one cohesive piece when they are all done. I may even go back to
some of the earlier stitches and do them as scribbles. We’ll see!
Thank you for taking the time to look at my work and a
special hug thanks to those who leave comments!
Next I’ll show you my progress on my Crazy Quilt blocks and
I plan to have another tip up on Monday. (Oh that’s tomorrow – lol – we’ll
see!) I’m way behind on my 12 in 12 so I’m going to take some time to look for
some simple ones to try and finish.
- The sound of a train
announcing its arrival
- A gentle breeze blowing
- A baby discovering his
first tooth
- Butterflies
Happy stitching!